

Dear Friends,
I'm sorry to say I haven't written any essays the past couple of weeks and consequently have resorted to these quotations. Hopefully one or the other might speak to you.


Pick a few

And make your own bouquet


Spirit of the living God, be the Gardener of my soul. For so long I have been waiting, silent and still-experiencing a winter of the soul. But now, in the strong name of Jesus Christ. I dare to ask: Clear away the dead growth of the past, Break up the hard clods of custom and routine, Stir in the rich compost of vision and challenge, Bury deep in my soul the implanted Word, Cultivate and water and tend my heart, until new life buds and opens and flowers. Amen.

Here are the two best prayers I know: 'Help me, help me, help me' and 'Thank you, thank you, thank you.'

"Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what is read ours."

"Thinking is not taught in schools!" Denis Waitley

Wood that grows warped can never be straightened. Greek Proverb

“If you love me, keep my commandments.” Jesus.. John 14: 15

I believe we have become so use to the sin of war that we do not realize the true horror of it. Al Thiery

It is right to be content with what we have, never with what we are.

"No man is wise enough, nor good enough, to be trusted with unlimited power." Charles Caleb Cotton

Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.

Ronald E. Osborn

If we take seriously our belief in the teachings of Christ some people will reject us. Al Thiery

The words of God are not like the oak leaf which dies and falls to the earth, but like the pine tree which stays green forever. Native American Proverb

And what is the wholesome? Abstention from killing living beings is wholesome; abstention from taking what is not given is wholesome... And what is the root of the wholesome? Non-greed is a root of the wholesome; non-hate is a root of the wholesome... “Daily Wisdom: 365 Buddhist Inspirations,"

Again I remind you that I prepare these handouts in hope of providing you with some spiritual enrichment........ Blessed are your eyes for reading them.


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